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Gas Safe certification

At Boilers.ME our fully qualified Gas Safe engineers can help with all Gas safety certification. This includes: landlord safety inspections, Full gas inspections (needed when selling or buying a home) and all over gas related works you need completing. REMEMBER ONLY USE A SUITABLY QUALIFIED GAS ENGINEER FOR ANY AND ALL GAS APPLIANCES. YOUR LIFE OR SOMEONE ELSES COULD DEPEND ON IT!

Landlords Safety Certificate (CP12)

If you are a landlord you need to acquire a CP12 Gas Safety Certificate, annually, for any property that you own.
The CP12 is a essentially a gas safety check of flues, pipework and appliances in your rented property.
A safety check is not the same as a service, but it does make sense to combine the pair.
Gas Safety checks and certificates must only be carried out by Gas Safe registered technicians.


If your property is managed by a letting agent you should take a look at the contract that you have with them to see whether they are formally taking responsibility for gas safety or not.
It may be that although they are arranging the annual gas safety checks, if they forget for any reason and something unfortunate occurs the legal responsibility may be yours.
It’s best to know what the arrangement between you and the letting agent is. If the real responsibility lies with you, you need to be absolutely sure that the checks are getting done each year by a properly qualified person.

Record Keeping

You, or your responsible agent need to keep records of each certification for two years after it has been supplied.
You must also supply any tenant who is staying at the property for longer than 28 days with a copy of the CP12 certificate within 28 days of the safety checks taking place.
It tenants do not stay longer than 28 days then a copy of the CP12 needs to be displayed in a prominent place for your short term tenants to see.

Relevant Government Information

Click below to find out the rules and responsibilities of a landlord set by the Government

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